
TII report forecasts 8 road deaths in 5 years on N4 if works not funded

Oct 5, 2023 14:10 By Shannonside News
TII report forecasts 8 road deaths in 5 years on N4 if works not funded
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Longford Councillor Paraic Brady says Minister Ryan will have blood on his hands if he does not change his priorities.

The Department of Transport has been warned that up to eight people could die on the N4 in the next 5 years due to a delay in roads investment.

A briefing document prepared by Transport Infrastructure Ireland for the Department of Education analysed the consequences of failing to adequately fund national roads projects.

The report was submitted to Minister Eamon Ryan last year and warned of 77 deaths and 381 injuries from roads in need of upgrade or safety works.


The N4 Mullingar to Longford roads project was seen has having the second highest risk to life in the TII reports, with analysts warning of the possibility of 7 deaths and 11 serious injuries.

A separate section of the road between Dromad and Carrick on Shannon was also highlighted with one death forecast and 3 injuries in the next 5 years.

The N4 Mullingar to Longford road project has long been a continuous issue, with local representatives criticising the Transport Minister for his lack of priority on continuing the work.


Longford Councillor Paraic Brady, who has campaigned on the issue, says Minister Ryan will have blood on his hands if he does not change his priorities:


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