
More beds being made available at a local hospital

Nov 17, 2023 17:14 By Shannonside News
More beds being made available at a local hospital
The Sacred Heart Hospital in Roscommon town
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It's been confirmed 10 extra beds are due to be made available in the coming days at the Sacred Heart Hospital.

A local senator has provided a positive update regarding upgrades to a Roscommon based hospital. It's been confirmed 10 extra beds are due to be made available in the coming days at the Sacred Heart Hospital.

The hospital has been undergoing major works with the construction of a new 50 bed Community Nursing approved for construction in February. 10 more beds are due to be added to the hospital's capacity shortly. Speaking to Let's Talk, Senator Eugene Murphy confirmed that works are progressing well and the addition of a dedicated church space will be of great benefit:



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