
Lough Funshinagh residents to attend special meeting in Leinster House later

Oct 26, 2022 08:49 By Shannonside News
Lough Funshinagh residents to attend special meeting in Leinster House later
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The water levels in south Roscommon are already alarmingly high for local residents.

A special meeting with the Oireachtas Agricultural Committee to discuss issues around Lough Funshinagh will take place today.

The meeting is being organised by Senator Eugene Murphy with the assistance of Deputy Michael Fitzmaurice.

Members of the Lough Funshinagh resident's group will attend the discussion at 5pm this evening in Leinster House and Senator Murphy hopes the meeting will give some solutions on how to proceed.


Water levels continue to rise at the infamous turlough and are being described as winter levels.

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