
Locals shocked following destructive raid on Roscommon Business

Jul 10, 2023 13:24 By Shannonside News
Locals shocked following destructive raid on Roscommon Business
Picture courtesy of Rummage Vintage Shop, Roscommon Town.
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The Three Shop on main street was broken into just after 3am, with substantial damage done to the front of the business.

Residents and businesses in Roscommon Town have been left shocked following a destructive raid on a local phone shop this morning.

That's according to Local Councillor and Member of the Roscommon Joint Policing Committee Marty McDermott who's urging the public to report any suspicious activity to Gardaí.

The Three Shop on main street was broken into just after 3am, with substantial damage done to the front of the business.


A number of items were taken from the premises during the burglary, with no arrests yet made in the investigation.

Councillor McDermott believes the incident is in complete contrast to Roscommon's low crime rates:

'To see on a Monday morning when you come in to work to see a fine shop like that, that was only refurbished there recently and a beautiful job done on it.


To see the extent of the damage caused, look it, it's shocking, it's hard to believe.

Anyone that's even noticed anything that's the slightest bit out of kilter or any way at all that they might have noticed something that was a bit strange or suspicious.

I just urge them to please get in touch with Gardaí in Roscommon.'

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