
Local Gardai urge caution on roads following spate of traffic offences

Nov 14, 2022 17:43 By Shannonside News
Local Gardai urge caution on roads following spate of traffic offences
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As of today 135 people have been killed on Irish roads, with two men dying in separate incidents in Louth and Tipperary overnight.

Local Gardaí are urging motorist to exercise caution as driving conditions worsen over the winter.

The call comes as members of the Longford Roscommon Roads Policing Unit made several stops and arrests in the region over the weekend.

Yesterday, Gardai in Longford stopped a vehicle after recording it traveling over the speed limit.


On examination, the driver was found to have no tax, insurance, or NCT on display, and also tested positive for cocaine and cannabis. They were arrested at the scene and will appear before the court in the future.

Separately in neighbouring Roscommon, one motorist was recorded travelling at 100 kilometres an hour in a 50kph zone near Tulsk. Locally Gardaí highlighted the danger of the incident, describing the road conditions as very wet, with the diver of the vehicle facing a court summons.

Elsewhere in the county, a vehicle without a registration plate was pulled over by Gardaí who then discovered the motorist had no evidence of insurance and no tax for 540 days. The vehicle was seized and court proceedings are to follow.



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