
Gardaí receive donation of equipment from Leitrim river safety organisation

May 26, 2024 14:34 By Shannonside News
Gardaí receive donation of equipment from Leitrim river safety organisation
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Carrick on Shannon Rapid River Responders donated 30 throwbags and a defibrillator to Gardaí in the town on Friday.

A substantial amount of safety equipment has been donated to local Gardaí by a Leitrim river safety organisation.
Carrick on Shannon Rapid River Responders donated 30 throwbags and a defibrillator to Gardaí in the town on Friday.
The donation was made in memory of Garda Deirdre Finn who tragically lost her life in a boat fire in Carrick on Shannon last year.

Throwbags operate similar to life rings but can be easier to use and can reach a greater distance when thrown.
The defibrillator that has been donated will be for public access and positioned on the outside of the Carrick Garda station.
Carrick on Shannon Rapid River Responders are a dedicated group of volunteers who offer training in aiding people in difficulty in the River Shannon using various shore based safety equipment.
Founder member and local election candidate, Sharon Garland, said that Gardaí are provided with few resources to carry out their jobs in marine environments:

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